"Took the itNurse Review & Passed NCLEX the first time and now I'm a RN! I highly reccomend this course!"- Andrew RN
"Thank you for the great review! I was so nervous and uncertian prior to taking the review, but afterwards I felt more confident and able to focus....I'm happy to say....I passed NCLEX first time around! - Sherry RN
"I must say it was well worth the money! The material and the way it was structured really helped put the nursing school pieces together! I got my "ticket to the clue bus" and passed on my first attempt! - Marcy RN
"The itNurse NCLEX Review was by far the best review course I ever could have taken! I highly recommend this course! The teachers want to help you understand everything you need to pass the NCLEX exam."- Brittany RN
"This review course calmed that anxiety and helped me better understand the concepts in an easy to follow, easy to understand and efficient manner. In fact, I only used the itNurse review book to study. Really! While practicing NCLEX style questions, I noticed that they also focused on the topics reviewed in this course, giving me more reason to feel confident in my choice. While I progressed through those questions, I also found that by using the techniques outlined by Lisa, I was getting better and better at answering questions correctly. ItNurse has now become my most highly recommended review course. So if you are reading this, and considering itNurse as your NCLEX review....stop considering it and just do it!" –Bethany BSN RN
itNurse Workshop Dates & Locations
December 16-18th • Mason/West Chester, Ohio March 19-21st 2025 • Mason/West Chester, Ohio
May 5-7th 2025 • Mason/West Chester, Ohio
December 2025 TBA • TBA
January 2026 TBA • TBA